Gas n' Oil by Derek Cameron
Board of Directors
Curent Board of Directors
President – Ann Smiga Greene, AWS
1st Vice President – Michael Berardesco
2nd Vice President – Open Position
Treasurer – Joe Ziegler
Recording Secretary – Jackie St. Angel
Corresponding Secretary – Peggy Dressel
Catalog, Show Co-Chair – Michael Scherfen, AWS
Publicity Chair – Open Position
Awards Chair – Eileen Ziegler
Selection and Awards Juror Chair – Open Position
Membership, Email Coordinator – Jinnie May
Newsletter Editor – Open Position
Historian – Debbie Tintle
Hospitality – Gwynn Di Pilla, AWS
Past Presidents
1939 -1940 Haynes Baldrey
1941-1945 Estelle Armstrong
1946 -1947 Henry Gasser
1948 Kent Day Coes
1949-1950 Francis McQuillam
1951-1952 Everett Sahrbeck
1953-1954 Anne Cole
1955-1956 Lucille Hobbie
1957 Ruth Mitchell Wolff
1957-1959 William D. Gorman
1960-1961 Grant Reynard
1962 Norman Webb
1963 Louis Spindler
1964 -1965 Lee Gaskins
1966 S. Allyn Schaeffer
1967-1968 Ray Ellis
1969-1970 Virginia Fluegel
1971-1972 Lud Thorston
1973-1974 Nat Lewis
1975 Donald Voorhees
1976 Edwin Havas
1977-1978 John C. Bermingham
1979-1981Roberta Carter Clark
1982-1983 Nessa Grainger
1984-1985 William J. Senior
1986-1987 Anthony Ventura
1988-1989 Patricia M. San Soucie
1990-1991 Pat Denman
1992-1993 Frances McIlvain
1994-1995 Patrick G. Brannigan
1996-1998 Debbie Tintle
1999-2000 Margaret Crawford
2000-2002 Florence Rosenberg
2002-2004 Rolf Hellmich
2004-2006 Joan Ross
2006-2008 Joel Popadics
2008-2010 Ken C. Hamilton
2010-2012 Ann Taylor
2012-2014 Donna Roettger
2014-2016 Jinnie May
2016-2018 Mark deMos
2018-2020 Susanna Anastasia
2020-2022 Henrieta Maneva
Current Ann Smiga Greene AWS